Saturday's not just for cartoons anymore!
It's also for serious work...!
photo by: Fin |
Today I was inspired by a post made on Picture This by hnddvn where they took multiple images using different light sources then blended the layers together using GIMP... but me being me, I decided to cut the workload in half and only go with two shots...:)
The first shot is back lit with a mechanics hanging light hung on a tripod:
Hanging light |
It's also side lit with a small light I got at the $0.99 store:
$0.99 light |
Camera settings:
Resulting Image:
Right-side + Back Light |
The second image has the same camera settings and is lit the same way except I hold the $0.99 light on the other side.
Resulting Image:
Left-side + Back Light |
Then, (after watching a couple of YouTube tutorials), I just opened each image as a layer in GIMP and erased most of one image like this:
Mostly Erased Layer |
Merging this layer with the layer that was Left-side + Back Light lit gives us the following result:
Final image lit from three sides. |
I didn't do any other post processing although this could certainly use some...:D
The background is an Air Conditioner Filter...which is meant to diffuse the light but I'm not sure it's really helping.
Anyway, thanks for looking.
And thanks hnddvn for the inspiration...!
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