New Old Film Cameras

They're old, but new to me...:)

1978 Minolta SRT SC-II -- photo by: Fin

Good morning everyone...:)

On Friday last week I went to a local place here in Phoenix called Park & Swap where various vendors meet and sell their wares.

It was a long hot day and I walked many miles in search of old cameras and in the very last row, a row I almost skipped, I found an old guy with a pile of old cameras.  To see them sitting there in the manner they were was heart breaking to say the least, but after digging for a few minutes I uncovered the Minolta pictured above.

For a 1978 it is in excellent condition and shows no signs of wear on the internal parts. Included were an Albinar 2x Range extender, an Albinar 80-200mm Macro lens, a Vivitar 90-degree tilt flash, the original strap and a rather smelly case. (images coming some day...:)

I also found a Canon T70 in the same pile...

1984 Canon T70 -- photo by: Fin

As you can see by the image, the Canon T70 was the Official 35mm Camera of the 1984 Olympic Games held in Los Angles, California.

Like the Minolta, the Canon shows almost no internal wear although there are a couple of fingerprints on the shutter and certainly more scratches on the body.

I found this short video on the T70 which shows some old commercial footage and an endorsement by "The Great One" himself, Wayne Gretzky.

Yesterday I picked up two rolls of Kodak TRI-X 400 B&W film and two rolls of Kodak Ultramax 400 Color film so I'll try to find something cool to point my cameras at and run a roll of each film through each camera and see what happens.  It might take a few weeks, (plus development time), but hopefully I'll have something worth sharing when all is said and done...:)

What about all of you? Have you ever shot on film? If so what has been your experience? If not, do you want to try?

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