Hello World (open chat)

Why are you so dark...?

photo by: Fin

For the last few days, and weeks, I've been anticipating the close of Disqus channels and I didn't think I really cared very much.  At first I was just like: "oh well...nothing lasts forever so just do something else for a while." but now that the time has come, I realize that I do care.

For me, Disqus has always been about the channels. That's where I was born and that's where I lived. I'm not sure if I ever commented on a publisher site unless I was helping someone test something. So to me it seemed like I should just let this account die with the channels...and maybe I should have lol...

But now that I'm starting to venture out into this vastly cruel world of ours I am experiencing a lot of anxiety. Some of you know how shy I am IRL so you will understand.  Sure, I've come a long way over the last four years and have become less introverted. And when I look at why that was possible I can really only thank Disqus...and my friends of course...!

Because of my time on Disqus I have become more confident and willing to talk to strangers on the street.  And without my online friends, IRL stuff seems to hold less value. Sharing is caring as they say and I don't think my trips to the zoo would have been nearly as enjoyable if I wasn't thinking about my friends and sharing the experience with them.  In short, you, complete, me... and I'm not ready to go back to being a hermit...even though I probably should lol...

So yeah, sorry for the emotional episode/near-deletion but I'm an emotionally oriented person so it's part of the package...:)

And since that is the case, I vote we put someone else in charge...!


Either way...thanks for the support everyone...!  It really does mean the world to me...!

JOE COCKER "With A Little Help From My Friends" 1969 Woodstock

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